Tuesday, April 12, 2011

29 weeks

So I know I promised to at least give a weekly update but hey so much has been happening. I had to go through a mourning period because a close relative passed on, and then I travelled out of the country. So I haven’t had much time to sit down and write. But anyway here goes, its week 29 now. Slowly but surely getting there. I am now without doubt a Goodyear blimp, even though most people claim my tummy is not that big. I have actually lost 2 kilos since my last check up, my weight has been fluctuating since I got pregnant. Losing and gaining then losing again. Bottom line is I am now 2 kilos lower than my pre-preg weight. Doctor is watching it, and ordinarily I wouldn’t have worried too much about it since I was a plus size to begin with, but I just wonder where all the amniotic fluid and baby’s weight is going to. Does that mean I have actually lost more of my own weight than I realize, and baby is simply “topping up”?
Anyway I finally did baby shopping yay! It was so much fun, I went with big brother (my four-year-old) and he was excited to help pick out cute little outfits. DH also got into the excitement and says he can’t wait to welcome the new addition. Our bedroom is now all full of diapers and baby clothes. I need to make a plan about packing them somewhere more permanent soon.
I am yet to discuss the birth plan with my doctor, when I went she was away and someone else was standing in for her. He says I would definitely be a candidate for VBAC but was reluctant to go into the details since I need to discuss that with my real doctor. DH and I have agreed to keep an open mind, as far as we can see now we can still try for a VBAC but keeping in mind the possibility of an emergency C-section. I am not sure which I really want, but complications aside, I wouldn’t mind an easier recovery and a chance to go into labour which I missed out on with baby no. 1.
Well the last trimester is definitely hard work. I have already started getting pains in all sorts of weird places and I can imagine that as I grow bigger it will get worse. But it’s nothing compared to the blessing that awaits us at the end, its all worth it I guess.
Plan for this weekend: getting down all the baby equipment from no. 1, car seat, carry cot etc and giving them a good scrub down, while I still have the energy!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hello there

I have been thinking about writing about the chronicles of my pregnancy for a while, but like all things currently I felt lazy. But today I had so many thoughts buzzing in my head I just had to go ahead and do it. It didn’t seem right somehow to do it on my ordinary blog so I decided to start a new one. I don’t even know whether I will have the strength to go past this first post, but I will write it anyway. In any case I will put less pressure on myself and write week by week. Since I am already 26 weeks I will start by giving a brief background about the journey of the last several weeks.
This is baby number 2 and because baby number 1 was unplanned and happened so easily we never thought twice once we made the decision to try again. It took 6 months to get pregnant, (six harrowing, and crazy months) and we were overjoyed when the two pink lines showed. However this one wasn’t meant to be coz at 6 weeks we lost our little angel. Doctor’s advice was to wait at least three months before trying again. In essence we only waited for two cycles, and got pregnant the first month of trying again, during the third cycle. This time there was a peace and serenity that I didn’t feel the first time around. The night before I dreamt of all things baby related and I only took the test the next morning (at 5am!) just to confirm.
So the journey began, first trimester was trying. I wanted to crawl back into bed as soon as I woke up. And working full time meant that there are days when I dozed for most of the day in the office ( thank goodness we don’t have an open plan office set-up). Throwing up was something new to me since the first time around I never did. Generally it was like I was doing it for the first time since the first one was so easy and the only thing I felt was the bulging yummy and the absence of my AF.
I finally eased into the second trimester and things let up a bit. Energy levels slowly crept back and the throwing up got a bit better but only just ( just this morning I had a nasty encounter in the ladies at work!) but I am great and I am looking forward to the final stretch.
Anyway now that’s out of the way I just wanted to marvel at some things that have happened so far. I have a childhood friend whom I am still very much in touch with. We stay in different countries but visit each other whenever we can, but that mean it’s only once in a few years. And communication in between is not frequent too but she is my dear friend. Now we are both expecting, just a few weeks apart and this has brought us so much closer. We talk on email every few days, we talk on the phone every week and it is so exciting. I am grateful for these little bambinos who have helped us bridge this gap that we seemed to have.
The other thing is my first child is a boy. So naturally we were kinda hoping to balance things. However it turned out it’s another boy but we are still very excited. Now what’s got me piqued me is people’s opinions which they have no qualms about shoving in our faces by the way. Those that don’t know yet keep saying, “oh I hope it’s a girl this time, oh it definitely has to be a girl otherwise how will you handle it” and those that we have told go like “shame, try again maybe it will work, oh no not again” and it really annoys me. Why can’t people just get excited for us? We definitely are! And if people come to see the new baby and express their pitiful sentiments I shall not be responsible for my actions, after all I can blame it on post-partum blues!